迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级(花木兰、冰雪奇缘2、狮子王2、玩具总动员4、机器人总动员)(5册套装) 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级(花木兰、冰雪奇缘2、狮子王2、玩具总动员4、机器人总动员)(5册套装)精美图片
》迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级(花木兰、冰雪奇缘2、狮子王2、玩具总动员4、机器人总动员)(5册套装)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级(花木兰、冰雪奇缘2、狮子王2、玩具总动员4、机器人总动员)(5册套装)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787115525109
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-04
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:85.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
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  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看


《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级》(5册套装)源自美国经典英语分级读物,由“迪士尼专家团”根据中国孩子的学习特点研发,将原版故事进行科学分级,让不同英语水平的孩子都能找到适合自己的读物。本书基于“无障碍”阅读理念设计,标注《义务教育英语课程标准》知识点,还搭配了丰富的线上学习资源,可以在线听朗读、查看中文译文,朗读还有“常速”、“慢速”两种语速可选,让小读者们在畅享精彩故事的同时,快乐提高英语综合能力。

《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级》(5册套装)包含四个迪士尼经典动画电影《花木兰》《冰雪奇缘2》《狮子王2》《玩具总动员4》《机器人总动员》的原版英文故事,每册约有4000个单词,适合12~14岁(小学高年级至初中)的孩子阅读。除了精彩的迪士尼动画故事,本书还包含五个方面的内容:













《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 花木兰》

《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 冰雪奇缘2》

《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 狮子王》

《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 玩具总动员4》

《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 机器人总动员》







Frozen 2(冰雪奇缘2)


Many years had passed since then, and although their parents were gone, Anna and Elsa were incredibly close and always watched out for each other. Olaf had learned to read, and Kristoff had bought an engagement ring. He was ready to take the next step with Anna, and Sven fully approved.

One thing the group always made time for was family game night. It was the boys’ turn to pair up, and Kristoff was right with every guess. “Ice cream. Oaken. Elsa!”



Sven rang the bell as time ran out.

When it was the girls’ turn, Anna struggled to guess what Elsa was acting out. She seemed so . . . distracted.

“Are you okay?” Anna asked.

“Just tired,” said Elsa, forcing a smile.” Good night,” she added as she abruptly left and went upstairs.




The Lion King 2(狮子王2)

As the winds swirled majestically around Pride Rock, Simba and Nala nuzzled each other. Rafiki the baboon was presenting their new cub to all the animals of the Pride Lands.

“Look at the little guy,” Timon gushed. “A chip off the old block.”

Just then, Rafiki made an announcement: “It is a girl!”

Simba and Nala beamed with pride.

“A GIRL?” yelled Timon. “Oy!”

Later that evening, Rafiki stood in his tree, happily painting a picture of Simba’s newborn daughter, Kiara.

“Oh, Mufasa,” Rafiki said to the spirit of Simba’s father, “another circle of life is complete!”

But in response, Mufasa made a wind blow. He was warning Rafiki that there was trouble brewing nearby.



Toy Story 4(玩具总动员2)

One rainy night, eight-year-old Andy Davis burst through his bedroom door with an armload of toys. He dumped them on his bed and went downstairs for dinner.

When the boy was gone, Woody the cowboy sprang into action. A toy had been left outside! The group looked out Andy’s window, but didn’t see the toy anywhere.

Woody hurried across the hall. Andy’s sister, Molly, had a window in her bedroom with a view of the whole front yard. Woody’s friend Bo Peep helped Woody onto the nightstand. When they looked outside, a sudden flash of lightning revealed Andy’s remote-controlled car, RC! He was stuck in the mud

by the driveway.

Woody and Bo turned to each other. The situation called for immediate action—and more help.

All the toys helped to open the window. Woody held onto Slinky Dog as he leaped to the ground. Slinky stretched his body as far as he could, but Woody still couldn’t reach RC.

Bo used her hook to lower Slinky further. Everyone worked together and, at last, Woody pulled RC out of the mud! Slinky’s spring pulled them back to the bedroom window just as a stranger’s car pulled into the driveway.




If you had lived during the early 29th century, you might have been cruising aboard a luxury spaceship while Earth turned, lonely and silent, awaiting your return. You might have thought the planet was completely desolate. But it wasn’t. There was someone still left on Earth, and he had a very important job to do. He was the only one suited for the job, and, when he was finished, all the people would be able to return.

His name was WALL.E (which stood for Waste Allocation Load Lifter, Earth class), and he “spoke” in electronic beeps. WALL.E was a little trash compacting unit, and each and every day, he went about his job of cleaning up the polluted planet.

But even though WALL.E was programmed to compact trash, he thought beyond his directive. WALL.E looked for treasures in the trash—little discoveries every day. He had a pet, too—a cockroach. But he was still lonely.

On his way home, WALL.E always passed the holo-graphic billboards that played the BnL commercials. Centuries earlier, BnL (Buy-n-Large) had made these ads to invite humans to space for vacation-like cruises. BnL was the superstore that had controlled the entire planet. Its CEO had promised to clean up Earth while the people were away.





有效的英语课外阅读应包含以下特点:1. 大量(或长篇)阅读;2. 以整体理解为目的;3. 以快乐阅读为主;4. 是自主行为;5. 不做练习题。本书依照以上原则,设计了3个使用步骤,帮助小读者们提升英语综合能力。



Step 1:猜读故事


Step 2:精读故事


Step 3:听读故事





《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 花木兰》



《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 冰雪奇缘2》



《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 狮子王2》



《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 玩具总动员4》



《迪士尼英语分级读物 提高级 第3级 机器人总动员》


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