气体热动力润滑与密封 白少先 清华大学出版社 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

气体热动力润滑与密封 白少先 清华大学出版社精美图片
》气体热动力润滑与密封 白少先 清华大学出版社电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

气体热动力润滑与密封 白少先 清华大学出版社书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787302598336
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2022-02
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:66.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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CHAPTER 1 Properties of gases1 

11  Gas equations 1 

111  Ideal gas equations 2 

112  Gas index equation 3 

113  Actual gas equation 5 

114  Degree of gas molecular freedom  5 

115  Specific heat capacity  7 

12  Viscosity 7 

13  Property of wet gas 11 

131 Pressure  12 

132 Humidity 13 

133 Dew point temperature 14 

References 14 

CHAPTER 2 Gas lubrication equations 15 

21  Reynolds equation 15 

211  Derivation of Reynolds equation 16 

212  Reynolds equation in the polar coordinate system  19 

213  Reynolds equation in the cylindrical coordinate system 19 

214  Lubrication parameters  20 

22  Energy equation22 

221  Chang of gas inner energy 23 

222  External work on gas and energy loss 24 

23  Solid heat conduction equation and the interface equation 26 

24  Numerical analysis method27 

241  Finite difference method 27 

242  Flow conservation 28 

243 Friction force balance  34 

References 35 

CHAPTER 3 Isothermal gas lubrication  37 

31  Sliders 37 

311  Lubrication equation  38 

312  Pressure boundary condition 40 

313  Lubrication performance parameters 40 

VI Contents 








314  Hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics of sliders 41 

315  Hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics of divergent sliders  43 

316  Lubrication characteristics of the magnetic head slider  45 Journal bearing and radial seal 51 

321 Lubrication equations 52 

322 Boundary conditions  52 

323 Lubrication parameters  53 

324 Lubrication characteristics 55 

Spiral groove thrust bearing56 

331 Gas lubrication equations 59 

332 Pressure boundary conditions  60 

333 Lubrication parameters  60 

334 Lubrication characteristic 61 

335 Spiral groove face seal 64 

336 Lubrication equations 65 

337  Pressure boundary conditions  65 

338  Seal performance parameters 66 

339 Lubricatin regularity  66 

References 71 

Gas thermohydrodynamic lubrication of rigid surfaces 73 Sliders 73 

411  Gas lubrication equations 73 

412  Boundary conditions  75 

413 Thermal lubrication characteristics  75 

Journal bearing and radial seal 79 

421  Lubrication equations 79 

422  Thermal boundary condition 80 

423 Lubrication property  80

Spiral groove thrust bearing83 

431  Lubrication equations 83 

432  Boundary conditions  85 

433 Lubrication property 86 

Spiral groove face seal86 

441  Temperature characteristics of gas film  91 

442 Lubricatin property  94 

References 99 

Contents VII

CHAPTER 5  Gas thermoelasohydrodynamic lubrication of face seals  101 

51  Fundamental equations101 

511  Lubrication equations 101 

512  Boundary conditions  104 

52  Choked fluid effect107 

521  Model validation  107 

522  Pressure distribution characteristics  109 

53  Characteristics of thermoelastic distortions of seal faces109 

54  Characteristics of gas theroelastohydrodynamic lubrication111 

541  Mechanical distortions  111 

542  Thermal distortions  115 

543 Thermoelatic distortions 117 

References 120 

CHAPTER 6  Transient theroelastohydrodynamic gas lubrication of face seals  121 

61  Fundamental equations121 

611  Dynamic equations 122 

612  Lubrication equations 122 

613  Boundary conditions  123 

614  Dynamic characteristic parameter  123 

62  Dynamic characteristics of isothermal gas lubrication 124 

621  Axial stiffness and damping  124 

622  Angular stiffness and damping  126 

623  Amplitude-frequency characteristics of gas film  129 

63  Dynamic characteristics of therml gas lubrication of rigid surfaces 130 

631  Axial stiffness and damping  131 

632  Angular stiffness and damping  134 

633  Amplitude-frequency characteristics of gas film  137 

64  Dynamic characteristics of gas thrmoelastohydrodynamic lubrication137 

641  Axial stiffness and damping  137 

642  Angular stiffness and damping of gas film  139 

643  Amplitude-frequency characteristics of gas film 140 References 141 

VIII Contents 

CHAPTER 7  Vapor-condensed gas lubrication of face seals  143 

71  Fundamental equations143 

711  Wet gas equations  143 

712  Vapor-condensed parameter  145 

72  Characteristics of vapor condensation in gas lubrication film 145 

73  Laws of vapor condensation in gas lubrication film146 

731  Humidity 146 

732  Seal clearance 147 

733  Seal pressure  148 

734  Rotational speed 148 

74  Movement of liquid drops on gas lubrication surfaces150 

741  Surface wetting model  150 

742  Surface-texture geometry parameters and wettability 152 

743 Droplet motion  158 

744 Drop adsoption on seal surface  164 

References 164 

CHAPTER 8  Cryogenic gas lubrication of face seals 167 

81  Fundamental equations167 

811  Lubrication equations 168 

812  Boundary conditions  171 

82  Phase change in gas lubrication film172 

83  Characteristics of thermoelastic distortions of seal faces 173 

84  Characteristics of cryogenic gas lubrication173 

841  Ambient temperature  174 

842 Rotation seed 174 

References 177 

CHAPTER 9  Surface grooves of gas fae seals and testing technology 179 

91  Surface grooves of gas face seals 179 

92  Testing technology of gas face seals 185 

921  Experimental setup 185 

922  Face groove machining 185 

923  Face morphology test 187 

93  Experimental characteristics of gas face seals 188 

931  Seal opening characteristic  188 

932  Hydrodynamic characteristics 190 

Contents IX

933 Surface war 192 

References 195 

CHAPTER 10 Design of gas face seals  197 

101 Force analysis of gas seals197 

1011 Opening force 198 

1012 Closing force 198 

1013 O-ring friction force 199 

102 Geometric parameters of gas face seals 199 

1021 Seal clearance 199 

1022 Seal face width 199 

1023 Balance diameter 200 

1024 Seal face and shaft (shaft sleeve) clearance 200 

103 Performance parameters of gas face seals201 

1031 Leakage rate  201 

1032 Gas film stiffness  201 

104 Materials of the seal couple 202 

105 Dimension design of seal rings202 

1051 Design of rotor dimension  202 

1052 Design of stator dimension  203 

1053 Design of the face groove 204 

106 Design of the secondary seal 205 

107 Process of seal design and illustration205 

1071 Process of seal design  205 

1072 Design conditions 206 

1073 Design steps  206 

References 218 

Index 219 













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