Nature of Music(音乐本色) 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

Nature of Music(音乐本色)电子书下载地址
"Draper's love for music is contagious.She provides a useul set of listening exercises,or music breaks,at the end of each chapter,as well sa an extensive'listenin g bibliography'for enhancing every aspect of life,from work to sex."
Emotions are more manageable when music gives them an objective reality oustside us.A seventeenth-centwy spanish king had to hear a celebrated tenor,Farinelli,sing every day before he conisdered himself to meet his court .Are we so different,when a few minutes of Bach ,Mozart,or Beethoven can bring us back into balance and reestablish our sense of the essential goodness of life?We may not understand what comes over us ,why our body relaxes or why our heart melts at the sound of a certain melody or chord change.But when music puts us in harmony with our deepest nature we feel more authentic,more fluid and responsive.
Music has a transformative power that has only recently been understood by science but has always been understood by the human heart. This field guide shows us how we can harness that power to help us cope with grief, give dimension to the mysteries of beauty and faith, aid us in recovery from illness, inspire us to create,help us to know ourselves better, or just give us a boost of energy--even if we don't know the difference between a sonata and a fugue.
ONE The Heart of Listening
Music and the Arts
The language of Music
Lintening to Music ,Lintening to Yourself
The Physicl Power of Music
TWO Hearing the Design
Thematic seeds
Circular Forms
The Enduring Power of the Mass
Yesterday's Dissonace Is Today's Consonance
THREE The Education of Feeling
Ways of Listening
Tonality:The Homing Instinct
FOUR When you Are the music
FIVE Singing Your own song
SIX The Alchemy of Music
SEVEN The Healing Power of Music
EIGHT Dreaming and Dancing
NINE The Juuer Garden
Sund Journeys:A Listening Bibliography
Maureen McCarthy Draper,a classicl pianist and music teacher,pressent music retueats for the Guild for Psychological studies both in San Francisco and form her home in the santa Cruz mountains,using live music,poetry and art.This is her first book.
Book Description
Music has a profound influence on our lives; affecting how we think, how we act, how we feel-even who we are. By learning more about the intimate relationship between music and ourselves, we can begin to harness that power and better our lives. A classical pianist, Draper writes about the ways in which the great works of the classical canon can help us cope with grief, give dimension to the mysteries of beauty and faith, aid us in recovery from illness, inspire us to create, or just give us a boost of energy.
This unique guide includes an extensive music bibliography with selections to suit moods, calm nerves, inspire, and heal. Anyone from the novice to the aficionado will find new ways to hear music as they never have before.
"A lovely, lyrical, elegantly useful guide for all of us, healthy or ill, who want to reap full benefit from the wonderful world of music." (Barrie R. Cassileth, Ph.D., Chief, Integrative Medicine Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
From Publishers Weekly
A pianist offers a classical music lesson with New Age overtones in this look at the healing power of music. The first half of the book contains a concise explanation of how to listen to music and defines musical terms like pitch and dissonance. But when Draper sounds off on music's power to "balance the emotions, restore equilibrium and positively affect our well being" (she recommends an "emotional shower of music"), some readers may want to tune out. In her attempt to maintain a breezy tone, Draper is a bit too fast and loose with the science behind her assertions. She makes unsupported statements like "numerous studies have shown that... we learn better when thinking is linked to feeling" and tells the unsubstantiated story of a teacher who recovered her eyesight through daily doses of Debussy. Still, Draper's love for music is contagious. She provides a useful set of listening exercises, or music breaks, at the end of each chapter, as well as an extensive "listening bibliography" for enhancing every aspect of life, from work to sex. Asterisks throughout the text mark pieces that are on the book's companion CDs, available separately from Spring Hill Music. (Feb. 1) Forecast: Don Campbell popularized the idea that music has discernible, positive effects on learning and development in The Mozart Effect (1998), a sleeper that has attracted legions of fans. Though Campbell's blurb on this book has a generic ring, it should help guide his readers to Draper's effort to extend his ideas on the benefits of music into the realm of emotional health.
From Booklist
Music both expresses moods and emotions and evokes them from listeners. The right music at the right time can change one's emotional state from, say, depression to elation, from sadness to joy. Employing her own life experiences and those of others with whom she works as a music teacher, pianist, and presenter of music therapy techniques, Draper describes how music relates to nature, the psyche, and the expression of mood. Citing numerous musical examples, many of which are on two CDs that may be separately ordered, she discusses musical form, tonality, and harmony, and shows how they were used by composers of the last three centuries. She then considers how to listen to music and to let it change one's mood, and suggests various listening exercises to facilitate the experiences she discusses. Easy to read, the book thus neatly introduces the ways in which music is constructed and how music can help restore order and happiness in one's life. Recommended especially for those who want to cope better with frenetic present-day society.
Alan Hirsch
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 202 Width (mm) 129
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